Southwest Junior High School Home

Our Mission

Implement standards-based instruction through research-based instructional practices while preparing students for success in a globally competitive world.
Promote educational activities and programs to meet the varied learning styles of our students.
Provide a nurturing atmosphere where all students, faculty, and parents feel emotionally, intellectually, and physically supported.
Help students foster tolerance, integrity, cooperation, and respect for themselves and others.
School Highlights
Uniform Image


Uniform requirements
Principal's Message Image

Principal's Message

Greetings from Southwest Junior High!
I am thrilled to share with you some exciting news about our school. For the second year in a row, Southwest Junior High has been ranked as the #1 middle school in Yuma County, Arizona. This achievement is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and passion of our students, staff, parents, teachers, and all our valued stakeholders.
At Southwest Junior High, we believe in the power of collaboration and teamwork. Our mission is to support our students in achieving their goals and reaching their fullest potential. We recognize that it takes a collective effort to make this happen, and we are committed to working hand in hand with parents, teachers, and all members of our school community to provide the best possible educational experience for our students.
As the principal of Southwest Junior High, I am proud of our students' accomplishments and the tireless efforts of our dedicated staff. Our commitment to academic excellence, character development, and a nurturing learning environment is unwavering.
We invite you to explore our school's official site to learn more about our programs, achievements, and the exciting opportunities we offer to our students. Together, we will continue to make a positive impact on the lives of our students and the San Luis community.
Thank you for your ongoing support and partnership in our shared mission to inspire and empower the leaders of tomorrow.
Warm regards,
Luis Reyes Principal, Southwest Junior High
School Supplies Image

School Supplies

Recommended Supply List 
● 5 subject notebook (1) or line paper 
● Pencils 
● Erasers 
● Pencil sharpener 
● Agenda/Planner 
● Colored pencils 
● Ruler (1) 
● Highlighters 
● Computer/laptop (chromebook recommended) 
● Headphones/earbuds 
Other items will vary per subject area, which students will receive from their 
teachers during the first day of school. Please keep in mind that supplies need to be replenished throughout the school year. 
Subject areas: math, reading, writing, science, and social studies. The elective 
courses will vary from student to student and they are computers, physical 
education, music, and art. 
Welcome Mustangs! Image

Welcome Mustangs!

¡Bienvenidos de nuevo a la Escuela Secundaria Southwest!
Estimados Estudiantes y Padres,
Como orgulloso director de la Escuela Secundaria Southwest, me complace darles la bienvenida a lo que promete ser un año escolar emocionante y enriquecedor. Una especial bienvenida de nuevo a nuestros estudiantes y padres de 8º grado, y una cálida bienvenida a nuestros estudiantes y padres de 7º grado que se unen por primera vez a nuestra comunidad de Southwest. Nuestro dedicado equipo de maestros y personal bien preparados está comprometido a proporcionar la mejor experiencia educativa posible, asegurando tanto la excelencia académica como un ambiente de apoyo para todos nuestros estudiantes.
En Southwest, creemos en fomentar una comunidad donde cada estudiante pueda prosperar académica, social y emocionalmente. Nuestras prioridades como escuela son siempre la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes, una exposición académica rigurosa y proporcionar experiencias enriquecedoras que contribuyan a su crecimiento integral.
Padres, su colaboración en la educación de sus hijos es clave para su éxito. Juntos, continuaremos manteniendo nuestros altos estándares de seguridad, logro académico y crecimiento personal. Gracias por confiarnos la educación de su hijo. También nos gustaría extender una invitación especial para que se involucren activamente en la educación de sus hijos participando en actividades escolares o uniéndose a nuestra Organización de Padres y Maestros (PTO).
Además, queremos recordarles sobre nuestra próxima Casa Abierta el 15 de agosto a las 4:30 PM. Esta será una maravillosa oportunidad para conocer a nuestros maestros y personal, aprender más sobre nuestros programas y obtener una visión de primera mano de lo que hace que la Escuela Secundaria Southwest sea un lugar tan especial.
¡Deseándoles un año escolar fantástico lleno de aprendizaje, crecimiento y experiencias memorables!
Saludos cordiales,
Luis Reyes
Sr. Luis Reyes
Director, Escuela Secundaria Southwest
District Goals Image

District Goals

1. Establish District wide safety protocols to maintain a safe learning environment for all with the assistance of Law Enforcement and other agencies. 
2. Schools will continue to improve towards achieving an A.
3. Recruitment efforts will continue for all classrooms to have an appropriate certified teacher.
4. Increase English language proficiency for 100% of our students. 
5. Continue competitive academic and extracurricular activities within the district.
6. Continue recognition programs for all students, employees, community members, and local partnerships.
7. Governing Board Members will continue participation in school functions. 
8. Continue to explore innovations and expand opportunities in technology.
9. Promote positive, responsible, and ethical social media behavior for everyone.
10. To offer individualized support and strategies to promote equity for all schools. 
District Policies Image

District Policies

Our district policies can be found on the ASBA Policies Website.
Our policies are categorized as follows:
A. Foundations and Basic Commitment
B. School Board
C. General School Administration
D. Fiscal Management
E. Support Services
F. Facilities Development
G. Personnel
H. Meet and Confer
I. Instructional Program
J. Students
K. School/Community Relations
L. Education Agency
I am a Mustang who is GENUINE with my actions, RESPECTFUL to myself and others, INSPIRATIONAL to my community and TRUSTWORTHY so that I can THRIVE!